Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Ready when heaven is

Today marks my eighth year as a breast cancer survivor.

I live aware that each moment is a blessing, and am utterly grateful for the time the Lord has given.

Each day has been nothing short of a miracle for me. Each day has been a welcome gift, to relish the love of family and friends who are truly angels here on earth.

In the beginning, as I expected death to come quickly, I wondered why God would still wake me each morn. Over the years, as I saw some of my fellows pass on, I wondered why God had called them home, and not me. Today, as I look back at the great blessing of eight years, I still wonder: is it I who am not ready for heaven, or is it heaven that is not yet ready for me?

And while waiting for the time when we (heaven and I) are finally ready for each other, I try my very best to raise children with well-formed consciences, to help my neighbor whenever I can, to work with excellence, and to love without condition.

I give thanks and praise to God Almighty, whose love and mercy sustain me daily.

Mother Delia Tetreault shared her mission of living a life of joyful thanksgiving. I have found that living this mission brings us closer to achieving our full potential as individuals. This is because a genuinely grateful heart wants always to please its Maker.

In God’s perfect time, I will be ready for heaven, and heaven will be ready for me.