Ten years have passed since my diagnosis for breast cancer. I look back with great awe at how much love our family has been given. By the grace of God and with the help of benefactors, we have reached this milestone. I remember every step with clarity: each chemotherapy cycle; each radiotherapy session; each donation received and acknowledged; each post and email accounting for treatment expenses. It took us over a year to complete the treatments, with faith and fortitude, and we prevailed.
I thank all my benefactors for the help you gave our family, not only at the time I was undergoing treatment, but throughout the years. Your kindness and good wishes have borne such sweet fruit. You have made it possible for our family to be whole. You have given me 10 full years (to-day) to be a wife (though forgetful), mother, daughter, sister and friend.
I no longer struggle to be worthy of your goodwill, for I realize your help was done out of love---a love I may not deserve but which you freely gave out of the goodness of your hearts. Thank you for giving me this time, the last 10 years and all the days and years following, to live in joyful thanksgiving.
I look forward to each day---boring or exciting, happy or sad, turbulent or peaceful, winning or losing---ready to live it to the full. These are all days to live for...because you have given them so generously to me.