Seven years ago, I lost one breast to late stage cancer.
What followed has been a miraculous journey in which whole families, relatives (including in-laws), friends and amazingly, friends of friends pitched in to extend what they kindly deemed to be a life worth saving.
Through, enough funds were raised to cover chemotherapy (total of 12 cycles), radiotherapy (28 days) and acupuncture (weekly) over 16 months of treatment. I have not needed any further treatment since November 2005, when I completed my last cycle of chemotherapy after the cancer was found to have spread to my bone and lymph nodes.
I have seen my children grow much and well in seven years. My then 4th grader is now in 1st year college. My then pre-schooler is now in 1st year high school.
It is indeed a great blessing to be loved and to know so. I am forever grateful to all those who donated to my treatment fund, for generously giving of themselves to allow me to spend the last seven years together with my little family. I pray for all my donors daily, that the Lord abundantly bless them as they continue to help those who like me, trust solely in God’s providence to prevail against overwhelming challenges.
If not for the love my donors have shown, my children will be growing up motherless, and very likely apart. I pray I will be a good parent, to teach them by example the values of kindness, generosity, and love. Most of all, to have faith in the Almighty who has given us blessing upon blessing—because He loves us so.
I have seen death claim so many among those diagnosed at the same time as or even later than I was. And I am not afraid to follow suit…sooner or later we all have to leave this earth. But while the Lord continues to wake me every morning, I pray to live as He did when He walked this earth: All for love.
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