Friday, August 30, 2024


Venti is the size I prefer when I order drinks at Starbucks. Sometimes I even order 2 Venti drinks. 

Today I am venti, too. I celebrate 20 years since my first cancer diagnosis. And I am utterly grateful for all the favors Almighty God has, in His great mercy, granted me.

Last year, on this day, I arrived in Madrid, en route to start the 115-km walk from Sarria to Santiago de Compostela with family and friends. Today I went with two friends to the Padre Pio National Shrine in Batangas, and then to the Museo ni Miguel Malvar. 

Blessed by great weather, and a friend who agreed to drive so I could work in the car as we traveled, we were able to catch the 10 a.m. mass at the shrine, walk around the grounds and see the first class relics of Padre Pio. The Italian Capuchin bore on his hands, feet and side the stigmata, the wounds Jesus suffered on the cross. He brought many souls back to God.

We arrived at Malvar Museum at noontime and we thought it was closed. We took some pictures from outside and were about to leave when the guard, who was having lunch, ran after us to say the museum was open. We learned a good deal about our nation's history and the bravery of one of our heroes. Miguel Malvar was the last Philippine general to surrender to the American colonizers. He showed courage both in fighting (leading the remaining Philippine resistance when Emilio Aguinaldo was captured) and in surrendering (choosing to end the suffering of those tortured by the colonizers just to find him).

I thank the Lord always for these lovely, little excursions that make me look forward to more such days of learning and adventure. 

Twenty years is a long time to survive any dreaded disease. Every day, every step, every breath is a gift. When my knees swell and my back aches, I remember that so many die young (as my husband did)...aging is a gift not granted to all. 

And having gone this far, I know that death, when it comes, will also be a gift.

As I thank the Lord for venti, I look forward to venti more (or less), as the Lord wills. All glory to God!

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