Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Home from Chemo 4

I am happy to report that Chemo cycle 4 was uneventful. It seems we have finally gotten these treatments down pat. 

The children were sufficiently busy with their monthly school exams to not fret about the single night I was spending in the hospital. Sweet hubby Norman did well to walk up and down the five flights of stairs in PGH to release nervous energy, successfully avoiding bitter discussions about slow-moving queues and inefficient hospital processes (which have noticeably improved).

Back home, I applied myself to the routine of sleeping and eating, sleeping and eating, sleeping and eating—making sure I took the right medicine at the right time. Almost like clockwork. =)

I am hopeful that the last two chemo cycles set for December will be equally uneventful. My regimen is now Docetaxel, 120 mg, Epirubicin, 60 mg, and Cyclophosphamide, 700 mg. 

Expenses amounted to P71,379.42 for Chemo 4, P61,617.68 for Chemo 3, P55,485 for Chemo 2 and P59,187.25 for Chemo 1. Including the advance payment of P48,586.42 for Chemo 5 medicine, total expenses for my treatment have reached P296,255.77. 

The higher expenses for Chemo 4 stem from the huge drop in my white blood cells during the last treatment. I had to buy an extra vial of medicine to push the count up. I normally get three injections only but after Chemo 3, the doctor ordered a fourth. The result was spectacular. My last lab test before Chemo 4 showed the highest white blood cell count since chemotherapy began. =)

I am so grateful for all the support I continue to receive. I may have lost all my hair but I continue to gain friends and well wishers by the day. 

I continue to pray that all my donors are rewarded a thousand-fold. May God’s infinite mercy and bountiful blessings ever be with us. And may none of us travelers in this crazy world ever grow weary of doing good. 

My family holds all you generous souls as models. We are strengthened by your faith and your love.

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